Space Race Bodies
Space Race Bodies
Incarceration, Migration and Indigenous Sovereignty: Thoughts on Existence and Resistance in Racist Times
Incarceration, Migration and Indigenous Sovereignty: Thoughts on Existence and Resistance in Racist Times responds to the current and ongoing histories of the incarceration of Indigenous peoples, migrants, and communities of colour. One of its key aims is to think about how prisons and their institutional operations are not marginal to everyday spaces, social relations, and politics. Rather the complex set of practices around policing, detaining, and building and maintaining prisons and detention centres are intimately connected to the way we understand space and place, how we understand ourselves and our families in relation to categories of criminal or innocent, and whether we feel secure or at home in the country we reside.
This education booklet features contributions first presented at Space, Race, Bodies II: Sovereignty and Migration in a Carceral Age. Contributors include: Teanau Tuiono, Fadak Alfayadh, Emmy Rākete, Crystal McKinnon, Emma Russell, Marie Laufiso, Suzanne Menzies-Culling, R. Michelle Schaaf and Holly Randell-Moon.
The booklet is available for free download here

The Space, Race, Bodies research collective has limited funding available for print copies of the booklet. If your organisation would like copies, please email: hrandell-moon@csu.edu.au
This is booklet was funded by the Antipode Foundation, a scholarly organisation and publisher committed to radical geography and activism. Funding for the second print run was supported by the Faculty of Arts and Education, Charles Sturt University.

This special issue of Somatechnics, Vol. 6, No. 1, features essays first presented at Space, Race, Bodies: Geocorpographies of the City, Nation, Empire. Edited by Mahdis Azarmandi, Elaine Laforteza, and Maud Ceuterick, the issue features contributions on Holocaust tourism, hybridity, secular governance, colonial modes of remembrance and forgetting, drones, and news media reporting of Indigeneity.

Security, Race, Biopower: Essays on Technology and Corporeality

Edited by Holly Randell-Moon and Ryan Tippet, this edited collection published through Palgrave Macmillan features contributors from the first Space, Race, Bodies conference.
This book explores how technologies of media, medicine, law and governance enable and constrain the mobility of bodies within geographies of space and race. Each chapter describes and critiques the ways in which contemporary technologies produce citizens according to their statistical risk or value in an atmosphere of generalised security, both in relation to categories of race, and within the new possibilities for locating and managing bodies in space. The topics covered include: drone warfare, the global distribution of HIV-prevention drugs, racial profiling in airports, Indigenous sovereignty, consumer lifestyle apps and their ecological and labour costs, and anti-aging therapies.
It is available for purchase and individual chapter download here.
“Security, Race, Biopower: Essays on Technologies and Corporeality provides a power account of how, in the global present, biopolitical technologies actualize the logic of obliteration, the operative element in the grammar of raciality. Together the histories, geographies, and case studies assembled in this volume expose how biopolitical equipments, procedures, and processes always already presuppose racial difference and cultural difference as the fundamental descriptors of the threatening global Other. This book is, by far, the best deployment of Foucault’s notion of biopower in the study of security as the privileged mode of management of global subaltern populations.” (Professor Denise Ferreira da Silva, Director, The Social Justice Institute (GRSJ), University of British Columbia, Canada)

Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies Special Issue: Carceral Continuities: Indigenous Peoples and the Colonial Politics of Prisons
The special issue of Sites, Vol. 14, No. 1, emerges from contributions to the 2016 Space, Race, Bodies II conference, which combined activist and academic insights to address the nexus between Indigenous sovereignty, criminal justice, and the incarceration of peoples of colour. Edited by Holly Randell-Moon, Bell Murphy, and Jade Aikman, this collection of essays variously explores these themes within the Australian, Canadian and Aotearoa/New Zealand contexts, by focusing on the violent management and regulation of Indigenous life by the settler colonial state. What our contributors reveal is an on-going, multipronged assault on Indigenous sovereignty: whether in public spaces, prisons, or rural Indigenous communities, the supremacy of the state violently reinscribes itself at the expense of Indigenous existence. The issue features contributions from Moana Jackson, Margaret Boyce, David MacDonald and Jacqueline Gillis, Jade Aikman, and Liam Grealy.
If you would like access to any of these publications but do not have the means or library affiliation to do so, please get in contact with us at: Space.Race.Bodies@otago.ac.nz to work out an arrangement.